Thursday, June 20, 2013

Living Our Dream Tour (Part I) - Past Adventures

Living Our Dream Tour (Part I) - Past Adventures

I have been very lucky and had the opportunity to do some long trips: 6 months in 2005 [USA, Canada, Mexico], 6 months in 2007 [Europe], and 12 months in 2009-2010 [Europe, Asia, Oceania]. I get asked if I keep a blog – I have a website (not a very good website) that is mostly pictures and really just for family and friends [].

I have never really posted much on any forums – I'm more of a reader – but; now that I and my wife have decided to do some traveling for the next couple of years, I thought I would share my experience. 

Beginning July 1, 2013, my wife (F650GS Twin/Low) and I (F800 GS) plan on traveling for the next two years.

My wife got her first ever motorcycle license January 2011 and during the 2012 summer we took our (what she called) “Pre-” Living Our Dream Tour. It was a great trip and she did an amazing job for a new pilot.
Pictures – []
Map – []. 

Since that trip she got a writing job for a Japanese, women's motorcycle magazine, Girls Biker: []. And, she has put together a website of her own: 

We are still getting all our affairs together – vacating our apartment, putting personal belongings in storage, setting up friends to handle our mail and possible banking issues, making sure any reoccurring bills are taken care of automatically, discontinuing services that we no longer need, finalizing personal documents, getting equipment together and packed, etc. It's not difficult... just time consuming.

I count myself very lucky that I have a wife who took an interest in my crazy hobby (adventure riding), and I am interested to see how our journey will effect the dynamics or our relationship – except for my 2009-2010 ride across Russia I have basically traveled alone.

I look forward to your comments, suggestions, ideas, feedback. 

Ride safe, keep in touch, and – beginning July 1 – follow us at: 

-Michael and Jasmine

2005 [USA, Canada, Mexico]

2007 [Europe]

2009-2010 [Europe, Asia, Oceania]

2012 Summer [“Pre-” Living Our Dream Tour - Route 66]